Children ask questions and Muckemacher answer. Click here on the YouTube link and have fun watching the interview!

Also nein, im Weltraum machen sie grundsätzlich nie Musik. Dafür machen die Muckemacher Weltraummusik! Wie das klingt, erfahrt ihr im Interviewvideo mit den Bandleadern Verena und Flo. Dazu gibt’s Cumbia-Grooves sowie Gedanken zum Thema Zeit. Und zum Schluss eine ziemlich coole Melodie, findet ihr nicht auch? 🤩
💡 Die Interviewfragen haben die Kinder selbst entwickelt. Wie? Lest nach auf:

Fantastico! We had the great pleasure to play some shows in Italy. Check the two clips below from our YouTube Channel to get an impression of the great audience and atmosphere of our concerts in Rovereto and Milan! We will be back! Great thanks to the Goethe Institute Milan and IPRASE Trentino in Rovereto.

It was a very impressive concert trip that we will never forget. At the invitation of the Goethe Institute Istanbul, we played a concert in a container camp for the children affected by the earthquake in Antakya/Hatay.

The city of Antakya in south-eastern Turkey was severely destroyed by the strong earthquake in February 2023. Container camps, tents and collapsed buildings characterize the cityscape. A permanent film of dust covers everything. Many people here have lost everything. Family members, friends, houses and possessions.

It was very impressive for us to see how warmly and hospitably we were welcomed, how hopeful and friendly the children were despite their miserable situation and how committed the many volunteers were, who have been helping the people here for months.


it´s a bit unusual for us to play two shows on one day. And although both locations are just 2 km apart, it was quite a challenge for us to manage to play them in a huge, lively and chaotic metropolis like Istanbul. Thanks a lot and merci beaucoup to Marie-Rose from the Institut Français und to the Deutsche Schule Istanbul. It was a magnificent day and we hope a lot of donations were collected for the children of Hatay and for other charity projects! 

Die summerfestivals and concerts are over, we were on the road throughout Germany and we had a beautiful audience. There were some highlights we want to share with you such as the Heimspiel Open Air, Bardentreffen, Summersounds, Tollwood, Lollaopalooza and the Kinderliedgala in the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. Check our video below with the “best of Muckemacher live 2023”:

Die Sommerfestivals und Konzerte sind vorbei, wir waren in ganz Deutschland unterwegs und haben vor tollem Publikum gespielt. Es gab einige Highlights wie das Heimspiel Open Air, Bardentreffen, Summersounds, Tollwood, Lollaopalooza und zuletzt die Kinderliedgala in der Elbphilharmonie. Hier unten geht´s zum Video “Best of Muckemacher live 2023”:

We feel very honoured and happy about the artist scholarship we received from the Tarabya Cultural Academy in Istanbul, which started in October 2023. We will spend four months on the grounds of the German ambassador´s summer residence in Tarabya. Meeting Turkish artists and musicians, developing and creating projects for children will be on our agenda. Together with our Turkish partner and theatre producer Hakan Silahsızoğlu we will work on theatre plays for children and youngsters. The Goethe Institute Istanbul will support us in organizing and playing shows and performances in Istanbul and around in Turkey. We will keep you updated! There is something coming up in December…

Website of  the Cultural Academy  Tarabya and Tarabya Academy on instagram

Our past concerts were absolutely amazing and we really enjoyed the great audience and atmosphere at Tollwood Festival in Munich and at the Bardentreffen in Nuremberg! Have a look at the photos!

After a summer break we will return in September and play on 9th Sept at Lollapalooza in Berlin and on 16th Sept at the kult´23 Festival in Dachau. Have a look at our upcoming dates in our concertcalender!